Fluoride treatments are applied to the tooth surface to strengthen the enamel, or outer surface, of the tooth and prevent tooth decay.
Sealants are an easy way to help your child keep their adult teeth healthy. It is a simple procedure that places a bonding material in the pits of the chewing surface of your teeth. This provides a barrier from plaque and helps to prevent tooth decay.
See our article about "The Importance of Sealants for Children" >
Oral Cancer Screening
In addition to your clinical dental exam, a head and neck exam will be provided by examing your face, neck, and lymph nodes for any signs of oral or facial cancer.
Deep Scaling/Root Planing
Deep Scaling removes plaque and tarter from around your teeth and below the gum line and is used to treat periodontal disease. This procedure provides a clean environment enabling the gums to heal and stop bone destruction.
Diagnodent is a new cavity detecting instrument designed by a dentist to provide earlier detection of dental decay than was ever possible. It is a simple, painless, and quick procedure that identifies cavaties in the pits of the teeth below the enamel surface.
X-rays provide the clinician with additional information needed to detect gum disease, cavities, abscesses, and oral cancer.
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